I am crossing Greenland on skis in May, pulling my sled to raise money for "Right To Play" and "Children in Crisis". These charities help children in the most traumatised regions of the world. I strongly believe that the world is a community and that children are our future. So for me, it is absolutely necessary that children all over the world acquire social skills, team spirit and an education so that they can respect themselves. I will face extreme cold, howling winds, fatigue and icy snow. I will have to carry everything I need on my sled and back. I will sleep in a tent in the middle of nowhere. I might even encounter a polar bear!! I am really super excited but terrified!! It is a minimum of 3 weeks so I think that my limits will be thoroughly tested.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Up and down day

Had a bit of an up and down day yesterday. 

First I went to the gym training with Andy and had a good session. I feel that my abs are really getting stronger and I can keep them switched on for longer , gooood! Stronger abs means better back protection while I am pulling my sled. I love this piece of gym equipment. It is a real challenge just to keep perfectly still on that thing...

Then I had lunch with a truly inspirational woman, Anne Feeley who discovered 7 years ago that she had brain cancer, but through luck, good treatment and 
sheer determination is very much alive and last year cycled across the USA to raise brain cancer awareness and raised 3 million dollars at the same time. You can read about her on www.brainsonbike.org

Back from my lunch I went to the park to rollerski and it is really getting so much better. Some people stop me now and ask me why I am doing this. I absolutely must do some clothes asap with the challenge name on it. I was thinking of having at the back of my jacket: "Ski the Arctic 2011" with my extreme logo under it. Would look wicked! I am going to go to Prontaprint on Monday morning and have the transparencies made, so that I can get on with it.

However, bad and good news in the afternoon. The media group we approached turned us down for their main TV channel (my story is not interesting enough for a big channel), but good news, they are probably going to run it on their smaller channel. 
 They think that the story of a mother who will leave her safe and pampered life behind and cross on skis while pulling her sled, one of the most inhospitable country in the world in three long weeks, braving whatever the elements will throw at her to help children who are homeless, educationless and playless in the world... 
is good REALity TV and could inspire others to do something similar and change their lives. After all, if I can do it, everybody can!!

Thanks to Emma who saved my day and with whom I had a great dinner!! We sent Per-Thore a nice picture of me gulping down a huge brownie with vanilla ice-cream (I must put on weight as I might lose as much as 10 kilos on the trip...)!

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