I am crossing Greenland on skis in May, pulling my sled to raise money for "Right To Play" and "Children in Crisis". These charities help children in the most traumatised regions of the world. I strongly believe that the world is a community and that children are our future. So for me, it is absolutely necessary that children all over the world acquire social skills, team spirit and an education so that they can respect themselves. I will face extreme cold, howling winds, fatigue and icy snow. I will have to carry everything I need on my sled and back. I will sleep in a tent in the middle of nowhere. I might even encounter a polar bear!! I am really super excited but terrified!! It is a minimum of 3 weeks so I think that my limits will be thoroughly tested.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Travel to Norway

Beautiful day here in London and I am off to Trondheim. My first flight is to Oslo where I have a 3 hours overlap. Then it is on to Trondheim. This reminds me of my trip to Alta for dogsledding last year where it took us 2 days to finally reach our destination because of bad weather at Alta. As we are starting to board the plane, the crew make us go back to the departure gate... there is a technical problem with the plane.... I can't believe it! Not yet again... but it solved in no time and we land with 20 minutes delay. 

Petter is waiting for me at the airport. I finally meet the third member of our expedition and I am very happy. He is very nice, efficient and very calm. I am so happy as I can't imagine one of the PTs (as I call them) stressing, thus stressing me!  We go to town to buy my boots. Huge Alfa Polar boots, but I will probably be so happy to have them in Greenland and have my feet warm. 

Then we drive to Petter's home where I meet his family. His daughters are adorable. Marie is very pretty and I cannot believe that she is only fourteen! and Mie is sooo sweet. His wife is super nice and cooked a delicious minestrone. And of course I cannot forget Pia, the dog who is probably coming to come with us next week. She is just adorable and loves cuddles. Princess the cat is more reserved. Tomorrow, it will start for real with some skiing

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