I am crossing Greenland on skis in May, pulling my sled to raise money for "Right To Play" and "Children in Crisis". These charities help children in the most traumatised regions of the world. I strongly believe that the world is a community and that children are our future. So for me, it is absolutely necessary that children all over the world acquire social skills, team spirit and an education so that they can respect themselves. I will face extreme cold, howling winds, fatigue and icy snow. I will have to carry everything I need on my sled and back. I will sleep in a tent in the middle of nowhere. I might even encounter a polar bear!! I am really super excited but terrified!! It is a minimum of 3 weeks so I think that my limits will be thoroughly tested.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Day 20 - Nearly at Isortok...

Again very cold wind from the North and the sky is cloudy this morning. So we start well covered up but at least the snow is cold and holding so the going is easier. For the first 3 hours, the conditions are stable, but by the 4th hour, the wind has died and it is hot. The weather is really unpredictable in Greenland. However as soon as we takwe our jackets off, the wind starts blowing again from the ... South!! But soon it abates too and again it is really warm. The snow melts and sticks to our half skins. This drives me crazy as at the same time, I have some problems with one of my shoe which collects snow under its sole, making it very unstable and one of my sled keeps tipping due to bad loading.. I must say that I nearly lost the plot and was ready to cry. But in the end, I gathered myself, took off the half skins, reloaded the sled, and life was good again! After 10 hours, we set up
camp, and here we are, eating our freeze-dried food (veggie shepless pie, and mashed poptatoes.. Yum! Yum!).

In 2 days we should be in Isortok and I must admit that I can't wait. The last days have been very boring! 10 hours every day for 7 days, in the same landscape, just waiting for the mountains to appear and the downward slope to start. But we are going down, but so slowly that we don't feel it!! Never mind, tomorrow night we should
have our last camp just above the ice falls and it will be a change to see something else than this wide white barren expanse!

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