I am crossing Greenland on skis in May, pulling my sled to raise money for "Right To Play" and "Children in Crisis". These charities help children in the most traumatised regions of the world. I strongly believe that the world is a community and that children are our future. So for me, it is absolutely necessary that children all over the world acquire social skills, team spirit and an education so that they can respect themselves. I will face extreme cold, howling winds, fatigue and icy snow. I will have to carry everything I need on my sled and back. I will sleep in a tent in the middle of nowhere. I might even encounter a polar bear!! I am really super excited but terrified!! It is a minimum of 3 weeks so I think that my limits will be thoroughly tested.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

"Polar Mum" is born

Today Polar Mum is born! In less than 3 months, I will be crossing Greenland on skis, braving freezing temperatures, wind, sastrugis (snow formations made by the wind and which look like waves) and maybe even polar bears.. All this on thin skis which have a "skin" attached underneath (the skin is actually made of fabric, very much like heavy velvet) so that they can go backwards. Sorry I almost forgot!! I will be pulling a sled with all the equipment I need (tent, gas stove, food, shovel, some clothes and toiletries..), all in all it should weigh about 67 kilos........ argh!!!  Dday is May 1st 2011. If all goes to plan (including the weather), we should be on the other side of Greenland 3 weeks later. My aim is to raise money for 2 charities, "Children in Crisis" and "Right To Play". To know more about them go to www.childrenincrisis.org and www.righttoplay.org.uk. They are both wonderful and need all the help they can get.

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